List of map projections

This list sorts map projections by surface type. Traditionally, there are three categories by which projections are sorted: cylindrical, conic and azimuthal. As a result of the complexity of projecting great circles onto flat planes, most do not fit perfectly into one category. Alternatively, projections may be classified by the properties which they preserve namely: direction, localized shape, area and distance.


Projections by surface


The term "cylindrical projection" is used to refer to any projection in which meridians are mapped to equally spaced vertical lines and circles of latitude (parallels) are mapped to horizontal lines (or, mutatis mutandis, more generally, radial lines from a fixed point are mapped to equally spaced parallel lines and concentric circles around it are mapped to perpendicular lines).

Projection Images Creator Year Notes
(also called the equidirectional projection, equidistant cylindrical projection, geographic projection, plate carrée or carte parallelogrammatique projection or CPP)
Marinus of Tyre c. 120 AD simplest geometry
Gall–Peters James Gall

Arno Peters

1855 equal-area
Lambert cylindrical equal-area Johann Heinrich Lambert 1772 equal area
Mercator Gerardus Mercator 1569 preserves angles

cannot show the poles

Miller Osborn Maitland Miller 1942 shows the poles


Pseudocylindrical projections represent the central meridian and each parallel as a single straight line segment, but not the other meridians. Each pseudocylindrical projection represents a point on the Earth along the straight line representing its parallel, at a distance which is a function of its difference in longitude from the central meridian.

Projection Images Creator Year Notes
Eckert IV Max Eckert-Greifendorff
Eckert VI Max Eckert-Greifendorff
Goode homolosine John Paul Goode 1923
Kavrayskiy VII V. V. Kavrayskiy 1939
Mollweide Karl Brandan Mollweide 1805
Sinusoidal Nicolas Sanson

John Flamsteed

Tobler hyperelliptical Waldo R. Tobler 1973
Wagner VI K.H. Wagner
Hoelzel Hoelzel about 1960


Azimuthal projections have the property that directions from a central point are preserved (and hence, great circles through the central point are represented by straight lines on the map). Usually these projections also have radial symmetry in the scales and hence in the distortions: map distances from the central point are computed by a function r(d) of the true distance d, independent of the angle; correspondingly, circles with the central point as center are mapped into circles which have as center the central point on the map.

Projection Images Creator Notes
Equidistant conic
Lambert conformal conic Johann Heinrich Lambert


Projection Images Creator Notes
Bonne Rigobert Bonne
Werner Johannes Werner
American polyconic Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler


Projection Images Creator Notes
Azimuthal equidistant This projection is used by the USGS in the National Atlas of the United States of America.
Lambert azimuthal equal-area Johann Heinrich Lambert


Projection Images Creator Notes
Aitoff David A. Aitoff
Hammer Ernst Hammer
Winkel tripel Oswald Winkel

Polyhedral maps

Polyhedral maps can be folded up into a polyhedral approximation to the sphere. Many polyhedral maps use a gnomonic projection for each face, but some cartographers prefer the Fisher/Snyder equal-area projection for each face or a conformal projection.[1]

Projection Images Creator Notes
B.J.S. Cahill's Butterfly Map Bernard Joseph Stanislaus Cahill
Waterman butterfly projection Steve Waterman
quadrilateralized spherical cube equal-area
Peirce quincuncial Charles Sanders Peirce conformal
Dymaxion map Buckminster Fuller Retains much proportional integrity of area, loses contiguousness of areas (most often oceans).
Myriahedral Projections Jack van Wijk projects the globe on a myriahedron—a polyhedron with a very large number of faces.[2][3]

Projections by preservation of a metric property


Projection Images Creator Notes
Lambert conformal conic Johann Heinrich Lambert
Mercator Gerardus Mercator
Peirce quincuncial Charles Sanders Peirce


Hybrids that use one equal-area projection in some regions and a different equal-area projection in other regions are almost always designed to be equal-area as a whole, such as:

Equal-area polyhedral maps typically use Irving Fisher's equal-area projection, whereas most polyhedral maps use the (non-equal-area) gnomonic projection.[4]


Equidistant projections preserve distance from some standard point or line.


Projection Images Creator Notes


Projection Images Creator Notes
Craig retroazimuthal

Compromise projections

Projection Images Creator Notes
Robinson Arthur H. Robinson A compromise between conformal and equal-area projections.
Van der Grinten Alphons J. van der Grinten A compromise between conformal and equal-area projections.
Miller Osborn Maitland Miller
Winkel tripel Oswald Winkel The projection is the arithmetic mean of the equirectangular projection and the Aitoff projection
Dymaxion map Buckminster Fuller Retains much proportional integrity of area, loses contiguousness of areas (most often oceans).
Bernard J.S. Cahill Bernard Joseph Stanislaus Cahill
Waterman butterfly projection Steve Waterman
Kavrayskiy VII V. V. Kavrayskiy
Wagner VI Wagner VI is equivalent to the Kavrayskiy VII vertically compressed by a factor of \sqrt{3}/{2}.
  1. ^ Carlos A. Furuti. "Polyhedral Maps".
  2. ^ Jarke J. van Wijk. "Unfolding the Earth: Myriahedral Projections". [1]
  3. ^ Carlos A. Furuti. "Interrupted Maps: Myriahedral Maps". [2]
  4. ^ "Polyhedral Maps" by Carlos A. Furuti
  5. ^ Carlos A. Furuti. Conic Projections: Equidistant Conic Projections